Scoreboard Scoreboard DateLocalRésultatsVisiteurLigueSaisonStadeJour de match 2021-08-09 21:30:0009/08/2021New Light Football 2 - 8 Akwa CorpK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A32021-08-02 21:45:0002/08/2021Akwa Corp 2 - 1 ImpulsionK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A22021-08-01 22:15:0001/08/2021New Light Football 3 - 1 BushidoK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A22021-07-15 21:45:0015/07/2021FC ARSENUL 0 - 2 BushidoK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A12021-07-12 22:00:0012/07/2021Empire of Gamer 0 - 6 Akwa CorpK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A12021-07-08 22:30:0008/07/2021Try Harder Club 1 - 5 ImpulsionK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A12021-07-08 22:00:0008/07/2021New Light Football 10 - 2 UFC NaplesK-Fun Cup [PC]2021N/A12021-06-25 16:38:1625/06/2021Dracarys FC - OneShot FCK-Ligue 1 [PC]2021N/A12021-06-13 22:45:0013/06/2021Symphony 2 - 1 OutlawzCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-06-07 22:45:0007/06/2021oXm0se 0 - 1 OutlawzCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-06-07 21:30:0007/06/2021Symphony 1 - 0 Monster ACCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-06-01 21:30:0001/06/2021Empire of Gamer 0 - 1 oXm0seCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-06-01 21:30:0001/06/2021Symphony 1 - 0 Carbon 14Coupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-31 22:45:0031/05/2021VirTuoS eSport 3 - 7 OutlawzCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-31 22:30:0031/05/2021Monster AC 2 - 0 ESC FireballCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-27 22:30:0027/05/2021Blood Moon 0 - 1 Carbon 14Coupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-27 22:00:0027/05/2021Eleven Bulls 0 - 1 oXm0seCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-25 21:30:0025/05/2021Tornado 2 - 3 ESC FireballCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-25 21:30:0025/05/2021CELTS GRIFFINS 0 - 1 Monster ACCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-24 22:00:0024/05/2021VirTuoS eSport 5 - 1 Samba UnitedCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-24 22:00:0024/05/2021Empire of Gamer 7 - 1 PhénixCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-18 02:45:4118/05/2021-K-Rocket Cup2021N/A-2021-05-16 21:30:0016/05/2021Outlawz 1 - 0 EXEMPTCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2021-05-16 21:30:0016/05/2021Symphony 1 - 0 EXEMPTCoupe de France [PC] - FVPA - S22021N/A-2020-12-06 22:00:2006/12/2020Hold Up FC - Dracarys FC K-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-30 22:30:0030/11/2020Hooligans FC 1 - 2 Hold Up FCK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-22 22:30:0022/11/2020Allianz eaSport 1 - 3 Orks GP K-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-22 21:30:0022/11/2020ES Champenois - Dracarys FC K-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-15 22:00:0015/11/2020Allianz eaSport 4 - 1 ES ChampenoisK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-08 22:30:0008/11/2020Hold Up FC 0 - 2 ES ChampenoisK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-05 21:30:0005/11/2020Dracarys FC 0 - 1 Orks GP K-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-11-02 22:15:0002/11/2020Orks GP 1 - 0 Hooligans FCK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-10-29 22:30:0029/10/2020Allianz eaSport 3 - 1 Hold Up FCK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-2020-10-29 21:30:0029/10/2020Dracarys FC 3 - 1 Hooligans FCK-Fun Cup [PC]2020N/A-